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"Nothing develops intelligence like travel." 

Emile Zola

Adventure within everyone reach!

Jammin Voyages offers experience not common packages  

Jamaica is full of vibe!

Before you start your Jammin Voyages experience choose the format that fits your need

Vous vous sentez l'âme d'un aventurier et souhaitez vivre votre aventure Jamaïcaine en toute indépendance 


Partir à l'aventure oui, mais pour plus de confort vous souhaitez être pris en charge par un guide/chauffeur expert de l'île tout au long de votre séjour.

En Autonomie

You are adventurous and comfortable to travel around Jamaica independently. 


Going on an adventure yes, but for more comfort you want to be cared for by an expert guide / driver on the island throughout your stay.

 You already reached Jamaica and are looking for. an off the beaten activity?

Check out our adventures by the day!

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