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Jammin Voyages offers you a concierge service at your destination allowing you to travel with your mind lightweight.




You are resourceful and have booked your trip to Jamaica, you have studied the subject and the lonely

planet is now your best friend. However, you might have questions, concerns or 

simply want to have a local contact person available at anytime to support you in the best way .


Concierge services are not only for luxury travelers, ask for a quotation and we will get back to you as soon as possible


A Concierge in Jamaica? But why?

Chauffeurs et transferts

Location de villa

I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.

Assistance téléphonique 

24/24, 7/7 nous répondons à vos demandes, questions et autres. Soyez tranquilles nous sommes là pour vous! 



Autre chose?

Un rendez vous chez le coiffeur, un massage ou encore des tickets pour un spectacle, nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à vos demandes!

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